ALSA Committees
ALSA Committee members are selected by the Chair of the Committee and serve a one year term starting January 1 of the current year. The Committee Chair is selected by the BOD liaison of the Committee and also serves a one year term starting January 1st of the current year.
The exception to this is the Regional, Grand National, and Fiber Committees which serve a one year term starting December 1st of the current year – following the conclusion of the Regional and National shows of that year.

Committee Links
Get to the committee information that you need most with our Committee Links section. Click any of the buttons below and be taken instantly to the information you need.

Selection Reminder:
As Committees are selected, it is recommended that members are diversified as to their geographic regions to offer complete membership representation.
Committee Chairs should submit a Committee Report to their BOD liaison for each month’s BOD meeting after it has been approved by all their committee members.
Recommendations from committees are to be a consensus of the majority of Committee members, not just the opinion of the Chair. It is helpful for the BOD to even include the total votes (not names) of the Committee members on an issue in your report.
Our Comittees
Members can reach our Committees by utilizing the contact information provided.
Committees last updated February 2025.
Election & Nominations
Liaison: Harvey Pool
- Chair: Kelsi Matthew
- 260-226-2090
- Member: Lougene Baird
Ethics & Protests
Liaison: Tim Smith
- Chair: Steve Auld
- 319-388-8252
- Member: Alisca De Regnier
- Member: Michele Gohr
- Member: Maylene Hall
- Member: Alyssa Jensen
Liaison: Denise Fehrenbach
- Chair: Cindy Ruckman
- 740-393-2309
cindy@ - Member: Joy Bishop-Forshey
- Member: Judy Glaser
- Member: Niki Kuklenski
- Member: Patti Morgan
- Chair: Mary Jo Miller
- 502-460-6850
- Member: Terese Evenson
- Member: Mike Haumschild
- Member: Adryce Mathison
- Member: Tricia Schneergeer
Show Management, Policy & Planning
Liaison: Tim Smith
- Chair: Kari Price
- 402-314-1699
Liaison: Kelly Squires
- Chair: Jenni Hodgen
- 402-540-0861
- Member: Ricki Campbell
- Member: Andrea Johnson
- Member: Donna Justice
- Member: Kim Kyst
- Member: Courtnee Onsager
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